A selection of research groups with activities in Africa, as well as selected research projects in Africa, are listed below. Details of individual staff links with particular countries can be found through the research profiles on the People Search page.
Eastern Africa
- Agriculture and Infectious Disease group
- Cancer Survival Group
- Child Protection Research Group
- Dagu
- Inequalities in Cancer Outcomes Network (ICON)
- LASER - London Applied and Spatial Epidemiology Research Group
- Maisha Fiti
- Maternal healthcare markets Evaluation Team
- MRC International Statistics and Epidemiology Group
- Nutrition Group
- Population Studies Group
- Tanzania Research Network
- Adapting the Good School Toolkit for secondary schools
- Addressing quality in the private healthcare sector – a randomised controlled trial of the SafeCare Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania
- African Population History
- Anti-Microbials in Society (AMIS) Programme
- Capacity Sharing for AntiMicrobial Stewardship (CaSAMS)
- Contexts of Violence in Adolescence Cohort Study (CoVAC)
- COSMIC: Using Computer Modelling to Optimise the Design of Health System Programmes
- Dagu
- DREAMS Impact Evaluation
- Global Child Eye Health Project
- Hararghe Health Research Partnership
- Investigating the predictors of intimate partner violence: A mixed method longitudinal study in Tanzania
- LINEA: Learning Initiative on Norms, Exploitation and Abuse
- MBIRA (Mortality from Bacterial Infections Resistant to Antibiotics)
- Pilot Trial of Good School Toolkit for secondary schools
- Praziquantel in Preschool Children (PIP trial)
- Preventing Violence Against Children in schools (PVAC)
- Promoting inclusion in decent work for Ugandan young people
- Protecting children with disabilities
- Stronger-SAFE: Eliminating trachoma in Ethiopia
- The Good Schools Study
- The RifT Study - improving diagnosis and treatment of TB meningitis
- Utoto Salaama/Peaceful Childhood
Southern Africa
- Cancer Survival Group
- Inequalities in Cancer Outcomes Network (ICON)
- LASER - London Applied and Spatial Epidemiology Research Group
- MRC International Statistics and Epidemiology Group
- Nutrition Group
- Population Studies Group
- Understanding and eliminating district-level corruption in the health sectors in Nigeria and Malawi: institutions, individuals and incentives
- Zimbabwe LSHTM Research Partnership
- African Population History
- Bilharzia and HIV (BILHIV)
- Child-friendly Catholic Schools Study in Zimbabwe (CCSS-Z)
- COSMIC: Using Computer Modelling to Optimise the Design of Health System Programmes
- DEGREE Study
- DREAMS Impact Evaluation
- Febrile Illness Evaluation in a Broad Range of Endemicities (FIEBRE)
- MBIRA (Mortality from Bacterial Infections Resistant to Antibiotics)
- Migration Gender Health Systems (MiGHS)
- PopART
- Protecting children with disabilities
- SUCCEED: Support, Comprehensive Care and Empowerment of People with Psychosocial Disabilities in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Umoya omuhle
- Vitality Trial
Western Africa
- Agriculture and Infectious Disease group
- Cancer Survival Group
- Child Protection Research Group
- LASER - London Applied and Spatial Epidemiology Research Group
- Maternal healthcare markets Evaluation Team
- MRC International Statistics and Epidemiology Group
- Nutrition Group
- Understanding and eliminating district-level corruption in the health sectors in Nigeria and Malawi: institutions, individuals and incentives
- FACE-Africa
- LAMP4Yaws
- MBIRA (Mortality from Bacterial Infections Resistant to Antibiotics)
- Peace Building in Cote d’Ivoire: Formative evaluation
- SUCCEED: Support, Comprehensive Care and Empowerment of People with Psychosocial Disabilities in Sub-Saharan Africa
- SuNMaP 2 Longitudinal Study