Protecting children with disabilities
Access to community based child protection mechanisms for children with disabilities
Violence is both a key risk factor for, and consequence of, social exclusion and vulnerability. Marginalised children may be particularly vulnerable to experiencing violence, and amongst these, children with disabilities are a key group. Globally, 150 million children are estimated to be living with a disability, most of whom live in low and middle-income countries (, 2011).
Children with disabilities are often amongst the most socially excluded and vulnerable. For instance, a recent conducted by this research group analysed 2012 sponsorship data across 30 countries and showed that sponsored children with disabilities were on average 10 times less likely to be going to school than sponsored children without disabilities and were more likely to have reported a serious illness in the last 12 months (Kuper, 2014). Read more about it .
Plan International has commissioned us to conduct research to:
- assess to what extent children with disabilities are included in community-based child protection mechanisms
- identify the barriers and enablers to inclusion within these mechanisms
- make practical recommendations to Plan International, governments and other key stakeholders for more inclusive practice
We are gathering information to address these questions through a combination of:
- Desk based research
- Quantitative research (in Uganda)
- Qualitative research (in Uganda and Malawi)
We will then consolidate our research findings and develop recommendations together with key representatives from Plan International.
Who we are
- Principal Investigator: (LSHTM)
- Co-PI: (LSHTM)
- Research Assistants: (LSHTM), Sue Kelly (LSHTM)
- Co-investigator and lead qualitative researcher: (LSHTM, MRC/UVRI)
Plan International, , , , , .
Major donors
Plan International Norway, Plan International Finland, Plan International UK
- – Plan International
- – LSHTM International Centre for Evidence in Disability