

External expertise

The LSHTM engages in a variety of sources of external peer expertise to provide independent and impartial comment and input to a course’s design, management, monitoring, evaluation and review.

Current external examiners

The register of External Examiners currently employed by LSHTM can be found on the (internal access only).

External examiner reports and responses

External Examiner Reports and Responses for the following academic years can be found the  (internal access only):

  • 2018/19
  • 2017/18
  • 2016/17
Information for external examiners

LSHTM operates a process of external examining as part of its core quality assurance practices. The External Examiner is an independent and impartial adviser with experience and knowledge of UK HE sector practices. They will report on the academic standards set by the institution, confirm that sector benchmarks have been met and that student assessment has been conducted appropriately.

The External Examiner verifies the assessment process and assures overall standards rather than seeking to judge individual student cases.

All External Examiners to LSHTM will be asked to confirm that threshold standards set for the award(s) are consistent with the  (FHEQ) and any relevant .

The information on this website is a guide to the External Examiner process at LSHTM for face-to-face taught provision.  For distance learning programmes, the University of London oversees the external examining process. Programme Directors, Exam Board Chairs and External Examiners for distance learning programmes are advised to refer to the regulation, moderation and examining guidance, and role descriptors provided by the University, which can be accessed on the University of London’s page abour .

In this area, external examiners for LSHTM can find all the information they need, including:

External examiner report forms

The annual External Examiner Report should be completed on the External Examiner Report Form template (doc).

External Examiners also complete an External Examiner Exam and Project Moderation Form (doc).

External examiner fees and expenses

External Examiner Fee and Expenses (doc)

External examiners’ role and terms of appointment

The External Examiner Checklist (doc) and External Examiner Terms of Appointment (pdf) should be used by new LSHTM External Examiners to understand their role.

Reference points for external examiners

LSHTM's Academic Manual, especially:

  • Chapter 5 on external expertise;
  • Chapter 8a on face-to-face assessment and exam board regulations, including marking/assessment criteria;
  • Chapter 8b on distance learning assessment and exam board regulations, including marking/assessment criteria;
  • Chapter 10 for membership and terms of reference of Programme Boards of Examiners.

Other references:

Tax advice from HMRC

Tax advice from HR Revenue and Customs for examiners:

  • Most fees paid by external examiners are liable to tax under Schedule E/as main employment income.
  • According to HMRC’s guidance, special arrangements for deduction of tax apply to payments made in respect of the duties of examiners, markers, invigilators where such duties are in any way connected with degree examinations. Fee payments made to examiners for first degree examinations conducted by universities are chargeable for tax as employment income and subject to PAYE in the normal way. Examiners who fall in this category are treated as “employed”.
  • Payments made to external examiners engaged by universities for Master’s degree and doctorates generally fall to be treated as trade profits liability for National Insurance Contributions, but not chargeable for tax. Examiners in this category are treated as ‘self employed’ if the whole work is performed under a contract less than 12 months.
  • Taxpayers should be advised to record the amount of the external examiners' fees in the 'additional information' section of the Self Assessment return. HM Revenue and Customs should calculate the Class 4 NICs due and show the amount as 'accepted' in box 18.2B. On no account should a credit be shown in box 3.98 of the self-employment pages, as this could result in an overcharge of income tax.
External examiner nominations

Exam Board Chairs are responsible for nominating External Examiners and should liaise with the relevant Programme Director to identify appropriate candidates. All External Examiners are approved by the Senate Postgraduate Taught Committee. Full detail about the External Examiner Nomination and Approval Process, including Appointment Criteria can be found in Chapter 5 of the Academic Manual.

Exam Board Chairs and Programme Directors involved in nominating External Examiners are encouraged to contact the Quality & Academic Standards office with any questions about this process.

External reviewers

For information about and for External Reviewers for validation and periodic review (revalidation), please see the ‘Periodic Review Process’ tab on our Programme Management, Monitoring and Evaluation page.