Students starting studies in the academic year 2021-22
In February 2021, the UK government published amendments to the regulations that determine who is entitled to be treated as a 'home' student for higher education courses in England that start from 1 August 2021 onwards.
UKCISA, the UK Council for International Student Affairs, have released , including categories of who will be entitled to pay fees at the 'home' rate for courses starting in or after 1 August 2021.
If you have received an offer from LSHTM and would like your fee status to be reviewed against these categories, please contact Admissions by emailing as soon as possible. Please note that we can only carry out fee assessments for current offer-holders, as we are unable to carry out fee assessments in advance of applications being received.
Continuing students who began their course prior to 1 August 2021 and were assessed as being eligible for ‘home’ fee status will continue to be charged at the ’home’ fee rate for the remainder of their course.