
series event

Using health economics in humanitarian and fragile settings: Findings from research in Uganda, Sierra Leone and Bangladesh

Researcher in Kyamulibwa, Uganda. Photo credit: LSHTM
Researcher in Kyamulibwa, Uganda. Photo credit: LSHTM

This event is part of a series of dissemination webinars for the RECAP project, in partnership with the LSHTM Health in Humanitarian Crisis Centre. The webinar will be chaired by Sandra Mounier-Jack, Munshi Sulaiman and Josephine Borghi and will be split into two sessions: 

  • Session 1: Access to and utilisation of health care services in fragile settings 
    • Has Ebola delayed progress on reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent healthcare in Sierra Leone? Evidence from a difference-in-differences study using household surveys 鈥 Jessica King, LSHTM

    • They will say you want to make their home die鈥: A mixed methods study to assess modern family planning use in partnered South Sudanese refugee and host populations in Northern Uganda 鈥 Neha Singh, LSHTM 

  • Session 2: Food aid and nutrition in fragile contexts 
    • Preferences and Determinants of Choice for Cash and Food Assistance in Two Refugee Settlements in Uganda: Implications for Policy鈥撯疨allavi Prabhakar, BRAC International 

    • Challenges and evidence of health economic evaluation of nutritional interventions in Rohingya refugee camps 鈥 Zia Sadique, LSHTM 


  • Sandra Mounier-Jack, Associate Professor in Health Policy, LSHTM 
  • , Regional Research Lead in Africa, BRAC International 
  • Josephine Borghi, Professor in Health Economics, LSHTM 
  • Jessica King, Research Fellow in Health Economics/Impact Evaluation, LSHTM 
  • Neha Singh, Associate Professor of Health Systems and Policy, LSHTM  
  • Pallavi Prabhakar, Senior Research Associate, BRAC International 
  • Zia Sadique, Associate Professor in Health Economics, LSHTM

Please note that the recording link will be listed on this page when available 


Follow webinar link. Free and open to all. No registration required.

