
series event

Crowdsourcing in Health: Developing a Guideline for Implementation

Crowdsourcing, the process of aggregating a group of non-experts and experts in order to solve a problem, is increasingly used in health and medicine. Our research team at UNC Project-China, along with collaborators from the World Health Organization and Social Innovation in Health Initiative, organized a global challenge contest to solicit descriptions of contests for health. In addition to crafting a best practices guide to provide practical advice on designing, implementing, and evaluating challenge contests for health, we have also synthesized evidence from studies that use crowdsourcing to address health. We conclude that crowdsourcing approaches are effective, feasible, and save money in numerous medical and health settings.

Larry Han holds a MA in Global Affairs from Tsinghua University as an inaugural Schwarzman Scholar and a BSPH in Biostatistics from UNC Chapel Hill. He has led a number of data-driven research projects, including assessing the mortality weekend effect at NHS hospitals in the UK, conducting survival analysis on a clinical trial for a malaria vaccine in Malawi, and using crowdsourcing to improve health in China. He is currently pursuing an MPhil in Operations Management at the University of Cambridge.

Watch a previous event organised by the Centre  online.


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