
series event

Communities Count and Counting Communities

Green slide with the words 'Inaugural Lecture' in white text

The strength of London School of Hygiene and Medicine contributions to science are built on the work of researchers and academics in the school and in partner organisations around the world. One of the key strengths of the research community at the school and beyond is the willingness to work with others from other disciplines, while keeping the communities affected by issues at the centre of what researchers do.

This inaugural lecture will focus on the following themes and their importance in the joint research trajectory of speakers Helen Ayles and Ginny Bond.

  1. The value of interdisciplinary science;
  2. Having communities at the centre of our research
  3. Zambart’s journey and long-standing partnership with LSHTM.

This joint inaugural will be hosted in Lusaka, Zambia by Zambart, a long standing LSHTM collaborative site.  For colleagues and guests in the UK, this lecture will be screened in the Manson Theatre at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street.

Ginny Bond and Helen Ayles standing and smiling in from of book shelves


Helen Ayles and Ginny Bond have worked together on community randomized trials on HIV and TB in Zambia since 2004; Helen as an epidemiologist and infectious disease expert and Ginny as a social anthropologist.


Free and open to all, online and in person. No registration required. A recording of this session will be available after the event on this page.

