
series event

Antibiotics, Resistance and Agricultural Transitions

Hosted by the AMR Centre, hear from Prof Ellen Silbergeld from the Johns Hopkins University as she delivers the talk on Antibiotics, Resistance and Agricultural Transitions. This talk is part of the AMR lunchtime seminar series, which occur on every first Tuesday each month.


Ellen Silbergeld is a professor of environmental health sciences, epidemiology, and health policy and management with training in economics, engineering, and molecular microbiology.  Since 2000, her research portfolio has focussed on antimicrobial use in agriculture and related emergence and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance. In field studies, her work has integrated epidemiological, ecological, and molecular approaches to understanding risks for farmers, slaughterhouse workers, communities, and food consumers. More recently, her team have modeled pathways and reservoirs for resistance within ecosystems and populations, using genomic and metagenomic methods such as multilocus sequence testing and whole genome sequencing. From 2016 to 2019 Ellen served as an expert consultant to the WHO Food Safety Division on guidelines for use of antimicrobials in food animal production. From this experience she came to recognise the importance of social science perspectives and methods to understand and develop effective interventions drawing upon community based and empowered experience. Ellen has joined us at LSHTM as a visiting professor with the aim of learning these skills and applications.


This session will be live-streamed and recorded - accessible to both internal and external audience

LSHTM Antimicrobial Resistance Centre


Open to all, seats available on first come, first served basis.

