

New Blog and Event. Primary Health Care for All? Lessons of History, from Alma Ata 1978 to Astana 2018.

New blog by Martin Gorsky, Primary Health Care for All? Lessons of History, from Alma Ata 1978 to Astana 2018

Special Lunchtime Seminar – People’s (Primary) Health Care: Revisiting the Alma-Ata Conference and its ongoing implications.

Anne-Emanuelle Birn.

Professor of Critical Development Studies and Global Health, University of Toronto. Her books include: OUP’s Textbook of Global Health; Comrades in Health: US Health Internationalists, Abroad and at Home and Marriage of Convenience: Rockefeller International Health and Revolutionary Mexico.

For 40 years, the 1978 WHO-UNICEF International Conference on Primary Health Care, and its famed Declaration of Alma-Ata, have served as aspirational grist for progressive-minded international and global health advocates. They have also generated a series of myths and assumptions around how the conference (and declaration) came about, the role of various players from WHO, the Soviet Union, and beyond, and the disappointing aftermath. This talk will revisit the making of Alma-Ata, its dashed hopes, and its continuing resonance for contemporary global health, including current debates around ‘universal health coverage’.

Monday, 5th November 2018 at 1.00 pm
Venue:  John Snow Lecture Theatre B, LSHTM, Keppel Street Building

RSVP to Ingrid James 020-7927-2434 or ingrid.james@lshtm.ac.uk

Funded by the Wellcome Trust