Anti-fibrinolytics Trialists Collaboration
The Anti-fibrinolytics Trialists Collaboration (ATC) is an international collaboration to conduct individual patient data meta-analyses of results from randomised trials of anti-fibrinolytics versus placebo.
The lead investigators of all completed and ongoing trials of anti-fibrinolytics that involve 1000 or more patients are invited to join the collaboration and contribute individual patient data.
The ATC has been set up to address important clinical questions regarding the effects of anti-fibrinolytics that cannot be answered by individual trials or by standard meta-analyses based on aggregate data.
The ATC is co-ordinated from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Clinical Trials Unit.
As of January 2018, the following trials of anti-fibrinolytics involving 1000 or more patients have agreed to join the collaboration and contribute individual patient data.
Tranexamic acid versus placebo | |
Katharine Ker, ATC co-ordinator
Clinical Trials Unit
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Keppel Street
London WC1E 7HT, UK