
series event

Women’s Right to Education

Women’s Right to Education: Obstacles and Challenges

 (LSE) will introduce education as a human right – essential to the improvement of the status of women, and the elimination of gender based discrimination and violence.

‘The right to education is a human right, and eliminating illiteracy, ensuring equal access to education … and closing the gender gap at all levels of education empowers women and girls and thereby contributes to the elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls.’

Agreed Conclusions, Commission on the Status of Women, The elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls, 19 March 2013

Women and girls are over-represented in global rates of illiteracy. The so-called ‘gender gap’ in rates of illiteracy has adverse consequences both for the empowerment of women and for societal development. Inadequate education for girls and women reinforces the sexual division of labour and low paid, undervalued work increases women’s economic dependency making them vulnerable to gender-based violence, exploitation and to being trafficked for sex or labour. It also lessens women’s ability to participate in public office, impacts upon their health and the health of their families.

The series begins on the  and runs until 

The session will be


Free and open to all with no ticket required. Entry is on a first come, first served basis.



Giulia Ferrari