
series event

​​“Towards disability inclusive development: A Journey on What Works” An event to mark International Day for Persons with Disabilities

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​​Unlocking the potential of evidenced based research is the key for achieving disability inclusive development. Collecting and sharing evidence on what works in Low-Middle Income Countries will support and strengthen policy decision-making and ultimately provide more impactful programming interventions. 

​​This webinar, hosted by the London School Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, will draw on FCDO’s disability-inclusive programmes, taking a journey on how to identify what works in development in Low-Middle Income Countries. 

  • ​Evidence gathering in the Global South: A researcher's guide to collecting authentic evidence in disability and development context - Lopita Huq, BRAC Institute of Governance and Development

  • ​Turning evidence into products: Professor Tom Shakespeare, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, will introduce the Disability Evidence Portal and Dr Shubha Nagesh will speak about her experience of developing evidence briefs based on research undertaken.

  • Applying the evidence in business and the labour market: Scaling up lessons learnt in FCDO’s Inclusive Futures programmes - Sally Nduta, United Disabled Persons of Kenya


Follow Webinar Link. Free and open to all. No registration required.


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