
series event

Reviewing complex qualitative data: new approaches

Tips & Tricks seminar series on Evidence Synthesis

The Centre for Evaluation is inviting you to the second seminar of its series ‘Tips & Tricks seminar series on Evidence Synthesis’. This series includes 5 seminars held every other Wednesday from 16 June to 9 August 2021 at 12.30 - 13.45 BST. Ten systematic review experts will present their work and share their experience on challenges and opportunities when embarking on complex evidence synthesis efforts. All key classic evidence synthesis ‘steps’ will be covered, from searching the literature to synthesising and presenting results. The series aims to support the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine  (LSHTM) staff members and students currently involved in or willing to undertake an evidence synthesis piece of work.  

During this second seminar, the invited seminar will explore the complexities of reviewing and summarising qualitative data. Specifically:

  • Dr Salla Atkins will address the challenge of sampling meaningful findings from large volumes of qualitative data 
  • Professor Chris Bonell will share his work on drawing diagrams of the theories of change from different papers and systematically synthesising these into new diagrams using techniques from meta-ethnography

Please note that these seminars do not aim to replace existing training courses on evidence synthesis, but to provide students and members of staff with ideas and solutions to navigate ongoing or future evidence reviews.


, Tampere University, Finland 

Salla Atkins is Associate Professor in Global Health and Development at Tampere University a health systems and policy researcher. She has expertise and interest in qualitative evidence synthesis for policy and methods development. She has published a meta-ethnography on patient treatment adherence to tuberculosis medication in 2007 and is currently leading a Cochrane meta-ethnography on recipient experiences of conditional and unconditional cash transfers to improve health outcomes.

Professor Chris Bonell, LSHTM 

Chris Bonell is Professor of Public Health Sociology and Associate Dean for Research at LSHTM. Chris was previously a professor at University College London and Oxford University. He specialises in adolescent health, sexual health and the evaluation of public health interventions. He co-directed the evaluation of the Learning Together whole-school health intervention which reported effectiveness across multiple health outcomes. He is currently leading the evaluation of the Positive Choices relations and sex education intervention. He advises the UK government and the World Health Organisation on COVID-19 prevention and in particular the role of schools.   

Please note that this session will not be recorded


Follow webinar link. Free and open to all. No registration required.


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