
series event

Panel on remote gender-based violence ethics and methods during COVID-19

In this 16 Days concluding panel, Gender Violence and Health Centre (GVHC) researchers will present the ethical and methodological challenges of collecting data during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how they have adapted their research to meet these challenges.

Dr Amiya Bhatia will begin this panel by presenting on two blog pieces that she co-authored published by the UNICEF Offices of Research-Innocenti:

Next, Dr Tara Beattie will present how she has adapted her data collection methods for the Maisha Fiti study among sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya. This 3-year, MRC/DFID funded study examines the direct and indirect pathways through which violence against women increases their risk of HIV acquisition and disease progression. This includes examining the mental health and stress impact of violence experience and exploring how these relate to changes in systemic and genital inflammation.

Lastly, Dr Heidi Stockl will discuss how they have adapted to using phone interviews in a study investigating the predictors of intimate partner violence in Mwanza, Tanzania. This study is a mixed method longitudinal study of 1200 women over four time points to establish the temporal changes in IPV and to explore risk and protective factors. 

The panel presentations will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A with participants.


Ethics of researching violence against children – findings from UNICEF blogs

Speaker: Dr Amiya Bhatia, Research Fellow in Social Epidemiology And Child Protection

Collecting data with sex workers in Kenya

Speaker: Dr Tara Beattie, Associate Professor of Social Epidemiology

Using phone interviews to collect data in Tanzania

Speaker: Dr Heidi Stöckl, Professor in Social Epidemiology


Please note that the time listed is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)


Follow webinar link. Free and open to all.

