
series event

Inaugural Vaccine Centre Retreat 2016

In 2016 the Inaugural Vaccine Centre Retreat was held 11th-12th February at the beautiful Cumberland Lodge, Berkshire.

The event was a free event which was well attended by LSHTM researchers/students and external guests, representing WHO and PHE.  This was a wonderful retreat and great opportunity for The Vaccine Centre with its association of approximately 100 scientists at LSHTM, PHE and collaborating institutions in London to come together and share interesting ideas and results, get a rapid update from colleagues in related fields, and spend time discussing, networking and generating collaborations.

The one and half day event provided the opportunity for research students to sound out ideas in a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style session which was considered highly valuable.  Presentations were made from leading researchers at LSHTM followed by a panel discussion and drinks reception before dinner. With positive feedback from those who attended, The Vaccine Centre are looking forward to hosting the next retreat in Spring 2017.