
series event

Ethics and human rights

John Porter, Ben Cislaghi and Gorik Ooms will deliver this talk entitled 'Ethics and human rights'.

John Porter is Professor of International Health. He will talk on ethics and the self. Ben Cislaghi is Assistant Professor in Social Norms. He will talk on ethics and interactions. Gorik Ooms is Professor of Global Health Law and Governance. He will talk on human rights.

The Global Health Lecture Series is held every Monday during the first two terms, with the exception of Reading Weeks. Leading experts from the School present up-to-date summaries and debates about a range of global health issues.  Each lecture is 45-60 minutes, followed by Q&A, and they are open to all students as well as anyone interested in learning more about global health.

Please note the lectures are very popular, so you are advised to arrive early.

Session recordings are made available in the Panopto block on the top right of the Global Health Series Moodle page.


Free and open to all. Entry is on a first come, first serve basis.
