
series event

Crocodiles or Climate Change, what will get you first? Perspectives from remote Northern Australia

Crocodiles or climate change

In this Planetary Health Perspective seminar series, Dr Simon Quilty will reflect on the practice of clinical medicine in tropical Australia, and will be highlighting some of the very real and increasingly extreme climate conditions in which he works, asking some hard questions and proposing real ways of addressing this developing slow-motion catastrophe that has arrived at his doorstep.

Dr. Simon Quilty is a specialist physician who has pioneered innovative clinical service models to Indigenous people in very remote tropical Australia. With a background in engineering and public health, he approaches clinical medicine with a perspective of systems thinking, and has a history of disruptively advocating for solutions to big picture drivers of poor health. He is on sabbatical working on projects at UCL Institute of Global Health.


This session will be live-streamed and recorded - accessible to both internal and external audience


Open to all, seats available on first come, first served basis.
