Celebrating International Day of the Midwife: 100 years of progress
Please join the MARCH Centre for a global discussion to shine a light on midwives as a valuable resource in the healthcare system and in the lives of women as educators, advocates and service providers.
International Day of the Midwife on 5 May, celebrates the 100th anniversary of the International Confederation of Midwives, and 100 years of progress. It is an opportunity for the global midwife community and supporters to come together and advocate for investment in quality midwifery care around the world, improving maternal, adolescent, reproductive and child health in the process.
The panel, chaired by MARCH Deputy Director and Takeda Chair in Global Child Health, Professor Debra Jackson, will include personal experiences and reflections from midwives in a variety of settings and contexts, followed by time for questions.
- Professor Debra Jackson, Deputy Director of MARCH Centre and Takeda Chair in Global Child Health, LSHTM (Chair)
- Esther Sharma, Research Degree student at LSHTM
- Marie Gomez, Senior Nursing Officer, Bundung Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Ministry of Health, The Gambia
- , Technical Adviser for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights at the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Office of Geneva
- , Founder and Executive Director of the Kisumu Medical and Education Trust (KMET) in Kenya
Please note that the recording link will be listed on this page when available