​​Building disease modelling platforms for pandemic preparedness​
will be giving the December seminar for the Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Disease (CMMID)​.
​​The COVID-19 pandemic illustrated the power and utility of mathematical models of infectious disease transmission. However, simply developing a model is only part of the puzzle. Models should be informed by data, compared to other models, and be communicated effectively to interested parties, including well-calibrated measures of uncertainty. Models should also conform to FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reproducible), and the computational requirements of models should not be a hindrance to their use.
​Simon Frost will give a platform-centric overview of mathematical models, discussing how his work at Microsoft with academic collaborators is building platforms to make models easier to build, integrate with data, run, and interpret, with applications including West Nile Virus in the US, lymphatic filariasis in Nepal, Lassa Fever in Nigeria, and the obligatory example of COVID-19 in the UK.