
series event

Adiposity, diabetes, and premature death among 150,000 Mexican adults recruited into a blood-based prospective study

We are hosting a seminar to present findings from a contemporary cohort of adults from a high-middle-income country that in the last few decades has experienced a major epidemiological transition from communicable to non-communicable diseases. This workshop will describe the burden and effects of adiposity and diabetes in a cohort of 150,000 Mexican adults recruited into a blood-based study between 1998 and 2004, and followed-up indefinitely.

The event is for students and faculty interested in the major preventable risk factors for premature mortality in developing nations.

Information about speaker: Louisa is an alumna of the The LSHTM who has worked in large epidemiological studies of non-communicable diseases for the last 10 years. Her current work focuses on the effects of adiposity on mortality in a large prospective cohort of Mexican adults co-ordinated by the Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit at the Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford. Her interests include premature mortality from otherwise preventable risk factors such as adiposity, diabetes and hypertension, novel disease models and bio-marker signatures, and translation of research into public health policy.


Free and open to all with no ticket required.