

Prof Karen Lock

Professor in Public Health

United Kingdom

I have an eclectic background. I studied clinical medicine at the University of Oxford, and am a consultant in public health medicine in the UK NHS (I hold the post of Honorary Consultant at Public Health England). I have also studied for an MA in environmental geography at the University of California (Los Angeles) and an MSc and PhD in public health at LSHTM.


Department of Health Services Research and Policy
Faculty of Public Health and Policy


I am involved with development and delivery of the MSc Public Health as public health stream advisor. I currently teach on two core MSc modules; Issues in Public Health (term 1) and Principles and Practice of Public Health (term 3). I supervise the research of Masters, DRPH and PhD students and welcome enquiries from any prospective research students.

In addition, I am one of the Educational Supervisors on the London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex NHS Public Health Training Scheme, and supervise professional public health training at LSHTM. I hold a Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching for Higher Education (LSHTM).


I co-lead a 10 year funded research programme focusing on UK public health as part of the NIHR School of Public Health Research (SPHR@L). My current research focuses on upstream determinants of diseases, and in particular evaluation of place-based public health policies at local government level.

I have worked with colleagues at LSHTM and collaborations worldwide developing methods to measure contextual environmental determinants of diet, alcohol, physical activity and cardiovascular disease in a range of urban and rural populations in countries at all stages of economic development. In the UK, this research looks at what factors produce 'healthy' neighbourhoods and how this can be operationalised through local government polices such as planning and licencing. We have been involved in using novel evaluation methods including applying systems evaluation methods to public health practice.

I have been involved for a number of years in highlighting the important linkages between food and health, both in research and policy. Currently this work focuses on researching local food systems in local communities, and exploring what levers are effective in creating healthier food environments.

My previous food research has included exploring the potential impacts of adopting healthier diets for NCDs on agricultural production and trade, especially as a member of the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH), an innovative programme to link agriculture and health research for international development. I have previously been involved in a number of food and agriculture policy processes. During 2007-9, I was an expert contributor to the European Commission DG Agri during development of new policy for school fruit and vegetable schemes as part of FV sector reform (SFS). I was a member of the World Bank Global Design and Writing Team for the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) which was adopted at an intergovernmental meeting in April 2008, and have provided input to two UK Government Foresight Assessments including that on 'Tackling Obesity: Future Choices' which was undertaken in 2006-7, and 'Global Food and Farming Futures' in 2010.

My early research focused on estimating the global burden of disease due to low intake of fruit and vegetables, and I have also contributed to systematic reviews on the effectiveness of interventions and programmes promoting fruit and vegetable intake worldwide.

Selected Publications

British Educational Research Journal
BARKER, R; Rowland, S; Thompson, C; LOCK, K; Hunter, K; Lim, J; MARKS, D;
SSM - Qualitative Research in Health
Fairbrother, H; Woodrow, N; Crowder, M; Holding, E; Griffin, N; ER, V; Dodd-Reynolds, C; EGAN, M; LOCK, K; Scott, S; Summerbell, C; McKeown, R; Rigby, E; Kyle, P; Goyder, E;
International journal of environmental research and public health
YAU, A; Berger, N; Law, C; CORNELSEN, L; GREENER, R; Adams, J; Boyland, EJ; Burgoine, T; De Vocht, F; EGAN, M; ER, V; Lake, AA; LOCK, K; Mytton, O; PETTICREW, M; Thompson, C; White, M; CUMMINS, S;
PLoS medicine
MEIKSIN, R; ER, V; Thompson, C; Adams, J; Boyland, E; Burgoine, T; CORNELSEN, L; De Vocht, F; Egan, M; Lake, AA; LOCK, K; Mytton, O; White, M; YAU, A; CUMMINS, S;
Social science & medicine (1982)
Thompson, C; Clary, C; ER, V; Adams, J; Boyland, E; Burgoine, T; CORNELSEN, L; De Vocht, F; EGAN, M; Lake, AA; LOCK, K; Mytton, O; PETTICREW, M; White, M; YAU, A; CUMMINS, S;
SSM - Population Health
YAU, A; Adams, J; Boyland, EJ; Burgoine, T; CORNELSEN, L; De Vocht, F; EGAN, M; ER, V; Lake, AA; LOCK, K; Mytton, O; PETTICREW, M; Thompson, C; White, M; CUMMINS, S;
BMJ open
MCGILL, E; ER, V; Penney, T; EGAN, M; White, M; Meier, P; Whitehead, M; LOCK, K; Anderson de Cuevas, R; Smith, R; SAVONA, N; Rutter, H; MARKS, D; De Vocht, F; CUMMINS, S; Popay, J; PETTICREW, M;
Social Science & Medicine
COKER, R; Thomas, M; LOCK, K; Martin, R;
The Journal of law, medicine & ethics