

UK ME/CFS Biobank funding samples

With your help, we seek to raise funds to release samples from the UK ME/CFS Biobank to early-career investigators to facilitate their vital research in ME/CFS. We welcome gifts from individuals and organisations to facilitate clinical and biomedical research to improve the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of ME/CFS.
Three images showing the ME team in 2019

houses a collection of blood samples from people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) collected since 2012. These samples are essential to researchers because the CureME team uses a robust algorithm and a clinical assessment to establish that all ME/CFS participants meet the established criteria and have been processed and stored in the prestigious UCL/RFH Biobank. The UK ME/CFS Biobank also houses samples from two control groups of people, some of whom have Multiple Sclerosis while others are considered healthy. The collection is used by prominent ME/CFS researchers worldwide.
The outcome of the appeal will define the number of researchers and samples distributed; sample costs range from 拢25 for a single serum sample to almost 拢100 for a PBMC sample, so such releases are costly. We believe that this will help accelerate research in the field and encourage early career researchers to continue in this field, where there is great need.
Biomedical research into ME/CFS has historically been underfunded. However, financial support from the UK ME charities and a private donor and our NIH funding has enabled the CureME research team to launch the pioneering UK ME/CFS Biobank and expand participants' recruitment. We continue to be grateful for the ongoing support of the MEA and the fantastic volunteers who raise funds for our studies. We recognise that much of this funding comes from patients and their families and friends. We are so grateful for their support.

Thank you for all your support.